Posts with
Tag: Rumorweaver
Read Now!: MarathonI had a week of rest, so it’ll be a short one today. We’ll just take a look at Rumorweaver’s planning and call it a day. Let’s dive in!
Right Brain/Left Brain
Read Now!: Right Brain/Left BrainI’ve been hard at work on Rumorweaver these past weeks. Today, I’ve officially finished all programming work on the planning. Let’s take a look at productivity and how I swing from technically minded work to creatively minded work every few weeks.
Sense of Community
Read Now!: Sense of CommunityAfter a week of fuming, I’m back to the normal day-to-day stuff. I’ll share some brief thoughts on the current state of politics and then we’ll get into the current state of my game project as well. Then, let’s see what’s ahead of us in the future!
The Death of Rumorweaver
Read Now!: The Death of RumorweaverOh my, such a dramatic title today! Don’t worry there’s good news hiding behind the clickbait. I’ve spent a lot of time on Rumorweaver’s vertical slice and some opportunities came up, so today we’ll be talking about what’s next.
Rife with Potential
Read Now!: Rife with PotentialThe second week of January came and went by in a blink of an eye. How are we feeling? What are we doing? What’s next on the docket? Let’s talk about it!