New to Narrative

Design and storytelling resources for game makers, old and new.


The New to Narrative newsletter sends you weekly updates about what I’m currently making and thinking about, straight to your email inbox! Read thought-provoking think pieces about game- and narrative design and tips for development, all with a personal touch. If that’s something you’re into, consider subscribing!

Recent News

  • Newsletterversary!


    Join me today to celebrate the 1st anniversary of this newsletter! Lucky for me, because I didn’t know what to write at first. So instead of writing something fresh and new, we will look back on this past year’s worth of newsletters and do some gratitude exercises.

    Read Now!: Newsletterversary!

  • A Fool for Tools

    A Fool for Tools

    This week, I’ve been tooling while the weather’s been cooling. I’ll briefly dive into my newfound ideas of what stories can be. After that, I’m doing a technical deep dive into my current writing-to-game pipeline for Rumorweaver. Stick around if that doesn’t sound boring to you at all.

    Read Now!: A Fool for Tools

  • Meditative Museum Memories

    Meditative Museum Memories

    I’ve got some stuff to show you today, including a new video and updates on my historical Korean narrative game. We’ll also get into my view on museum experiences and how they influence what I want this game to be. Let’s go!

    Read Now!: Meditative Museum Memories

  • Algorithmic Amusia

    Algorithmic Amusia

    No big lead-up this week, we’re just looking at a video I dropped on Thursday. We’ll dive into some analytics and how I’m going to try to trick the algorithm for the next video. Let’s go!

    Read Now!: Algorithmic Amusia